Being a good digital citizen means...
1) knowing that we can use multiple sources and not rely on just one (check sources references)
2) as teacher we are modeling and guiding students in preparing them to use tech and
3) having instruction to understand appropriate behavior from inappropriate while using tech (know what behavior is expected when using tech)
As a Pre-k teacher, I model a lot so students understand how to use a computer (mouse, keyboard, what programs to click on) When they accidentaly click on an unknown page or program, they understand that it could be above their level and they tell me or exit the program. At this level I think that using a keboard and mouse properly and navigating through a page that I have modeled and guided them through) shows that their are good digital citizens. As they are learnig to get familiar with a computer, they will have explore different options but if they understand where it could led them to, then they could refrain from it.
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